Asherah-Astarte Temple of TTO
We are Asherah-Astarte, a Metropolitan Temple of The Thelemic Order in Western Maryland.
A Metropolitan Temple or Lodge has both Ordained/Certified Clergy and the ability to conduct or sponsor Initiations. Asherah-Astarte was organized to provide a core Metropolitan for sponsorship of Ordination and Initiation until other Groups can be developed.
We conduct periodic Thelemic Mass and other rituals in various forms in the Western Maryland area, as well as arranging regional events in Baltimore, Maryland. Our “in person” activities are currently on hiatus in order to protect congregants from the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the Thelemic Holy Season, we are one of several Groups which took parts in online readings. We are currently modifying our Temple space in order to be able to present Mass and other activities online.
We are progressive and inclusive, and uphold the TTO Non-Discrimination Policy from the TTO Handbook – Vision and Mission, Polices and Procedures, and Membership
“TTO will not discriminate and will take affirmative measures to ensure against discrimination and allow equal and complete participation in all aspects of the Order on the bases of ethnicity, ancestry, appearance, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, sexual identity, sexual expression, International origin, age or disability.”
We follow the current revision of the TTO Consent Policy
Contact us: AsherahAstarteInfo@asherahastartetto.com

The Thelemic Order
TTO is a progressive, inclusive, Thelemic organization, dedicated to the principle that "Every man and every woman is a star," and that "Love is the law, love under will."

Our Services, including Mass, are temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We will begin scheduling online services in the near future.

Initiations are currently on hold pending the resolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic.